To understand what we do best is to understand what we are first. We are Soil Scientist. We don’t wear lab coats or stand over microscopes in a stuffy lab. Our lab coats look like jeans and flannels while our lab is the great outdoors of western NC and upstate SC. A soil scientist is a person with specialized knowledge of soil morphology (i.e., the arrangement and characteristics of the layers, or horizons, in a soil profile), soil chemistry, soil biology, and/or soil physics. This specialized knowledge has a variety of applications. Soil scientists often work in such agriculture related areas as soil fertility and soil/water relations (as in irrigation, for example) or in environmental science related areas such as land disposal of animal and municipal waste, onsite wastewater (septic systems, for example), mine spoil reclamation, and hazardous waste sites. In North Carolina and other states a professional license is required in order to practice soil science. Land Resource Management (LRM) is staffed with North Carolina and South Carolina Licensed Soil Scientist. Our goal is to maximize the value of your property. Give us a call to discuss your next project. Below is the newest member of the LRM team…..Little Luke Ferguson, representing at his sister’s soccer game.